Saturday, 10 December 2011

Bath Adventures

So earlier on in the term Gabby and I took a trip down to Bath to do some research and have a wander around some of the art galleries in this picturesque city. We manged to find our way around town without to much difficulty even though it was fairly horrendous weather!

From the train station we found our way to Great Pultney Street walking over the Pultney Bridge to some of the art galleries, then up to the top end of town. Our day was really successful as I found loads of really good artists that will be great for my research in print for my next module!

This Lino Cut by Anita Klemin shows us a different style with a combination of just three colours. With the image in black and wight and the background in colour, though surprisingly this promotes the image and pushes it forward where I would have expected it to be the other way around which I found interesting.

Print by Elaine Marshall - I like that she had taken such a simple object and made it interesting through print, with the mix of colours and use of dark and light.

Wood cut by Claire Curtis. She has used a combination of three wood cuts using three different colours, I particularly like the use of orange as it just "Pops" making the image much warmer in contrast to the gray and black, this combination manages to give the print good depth.

Claire Curtis again manages to create a really vibrant print with a range of zippy, organic colours. Particularly like her subject media here with the organic shapes and range of depth, it also reminds me of Angie Lewin's prints with some of the simplified shapes.

Breon O"Casey creates some lovely prints with fantastic use of colour. Using a much more simplistic use of shapes they link well, creating a stylised finished piece.

Susan Binns has created a lovely range of ceramics using a simplistic and limited colour pallet that works wonderfully. I think that the use of thin and thick lined here is what gives it such a lovely diversity, making something so simple really lovely.

Walking over Great Pultney Bridge, and looking lovely in possibly the only sunshine we had all weekend!

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